- 2016.12.1
- Paper awards in IIIAE 2016 are updated here.
- 2016.12.1
- Conference Venue page has been updated. You can check the access here.
- 2016.12.1
- Complimentary accompanying persons tour on Des.8 has been offered here.
- 2016.11.18
- Conference Program has been updated here.
- 2016.11.12
- Following related committees meeting will be held during IIIAE 2016.
Steering Committee Meeting of IIIAE
Tuesday, December 6 12:15 - 13:15 @ Kyoto TERRSA
Executive Meeting of R&T Committee on AE, JSNDI
Wednesday, December 7 12:20 - 13:20 @ Kyoto TERRSA
International Advisory Meeting of IAES
Thursday, December 8 12:20 - 13:20 @ Kyoto TERRSA
Meeting of RILEM TC IAM
Thursday, December 8 16:00 - 18:00 @ Kyoto TERRSA
(Please contact Prof. Demitrios Aggelis if you want to join RILEM meetings as observer.)
- 2016.11.12
- List of committees & members are shown in Committees page.
- 2016.11.07
- Please check your tentative presentation schedule here
- 2016.07.01
- Registration website is now available.
Please access to here and proceed your and your accompany personfs registrations.
- 2016.06.09
- Our online paper submission system is available now.
Please login to the system and submit your manuscript here before June 30, 2016.
- 2016.04.03
- The deadline of abstract submission is extended to April 30.
Please progress to abstract submission here.
- 2016.01.16
- Important date page is updated.
You can check the detail schedule here
- 2016.02.04
- Technical Exhibitions page is updated.
You can check the application for Technical Exhibitions here.
- 2016.01.16
- 2nd annnouncement
- 2015.05.12
- Official Homepage has been opened.

Supporting organizations
Supporting individuals (alphabetical order)
Prof. Masayasu Ohtsu
Emeritus Prof. Mikio Takemoto

Inauguration conference of 3IAE (IIIAE2016)
23rd International Acoustic Emission Symposium (IAES-23) &
8th International Conference on Acoustic Emission (ICAE-8)
- Date:
- December 5-9, 2016
- Venue:
Kyoto Terrsa & RIHGA Royal Hotel Kyoto
- Co-sponsored by:
- - R&T Committee on AE, JSNDI (Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection)
-EWGAE (European Working Group on Acoustic Emission)
-AEWG (Acoustic Emission Working Group, U.S.A)

Program Chair: Tomoki SHIOTANI, Kyoto University
Inquiries to: 
Local Secretary:
Dr. Takahiro Nishida, Associate Professor
iTi Laboratory, Department of Civil & Earth Resources Engineering Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Address: C3-b4S16, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Nishikyo-Ku, Kyoto 615-8540, JAPAN
Tel/ Fax: Tel: +81-75-383-3496, Fax: +81-75-383-3495