The processes of paper submission has been closed.
Please make a registration for your paticipation to IIIAE 2016 in following website.
>Registration Page
You can check the conference schedules here.
1. Abstract submission (before April 30, 2016)
You should pre-entry in here for abstract submission.
2. Notification of Acceptance (before May 31, 2016)
3. Draft paper submission (before July 15, 2016)
4. Reviewed process and feedback (before Aug 31, 2016)
5. Revised paper submission (before Sep. 20, 2016)
6. Final comment from reviewers (before Oct. 20, 2016)
7. Final paper submission (before Oct. 20, 2016)
Early bird registration (before August 31, 2016)
Awarding candidates will be selected based on the scores from reviewers.
8. Conference from 5th to 9th December, 2016.